Referral for Further Care

Your GP may refer you to an outpatient clinic for further assessment, investigation or treatment.

Please note: GPs have no control over the NHS outpatient waiting times

We acknowledge the significant challenges, stress & frustration many patients face with hospital waiting times.

Help & support with waiting times:

NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde has a dedicated waiting times page with information and updates. You can contact the health-board directly, if you have any queries.

Contact NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde:

Tel: 0141 201 4500

Email: [email protected]

What you can expect prior to your appointment:

When offering you an appointment, the hospital will:

  • Give you a minimum of 7 days’ notice of an offer of appointment
  • Inform you of the consequences of refusing a reasonable appointment offer
  • Send appointments by letter, at least 14 days in advance and in a format appropriate to your needs
  • Inform you of the duration of your appointment
  • Ensure that if the Hospital breaches the Treatment Time Guarantee, you are offered the next available appointment and an explanation given as to why the guarantee was breached
  • Ensure that any additional needs are taken into account and support is in place when offering an appointment
  • Explain to you that it might not always be possible for you to be seen and treated locally and provide details of possible locations
  • Advise you as early as possible if you will need to travel for treatment

If you require transport for a hospital appointment, please visit the Patient transport request page, or call 0300 123 1236. You will be asked a series of questions about your mobility to assess your eligibility for ambulance transport. Patients can also access a BSL interpreter via Contact Scotland.

I want to check the progress of my referral

If you have any questions about hospital appointments or are looking for the results of a test completed at hospital, then please phone the appropriate clinician’s secretary.

The hospital switchboard can direct your call on 0141 211 4000 for Glasgow Royal Infirmary or Queen Elizabeth University Hospital on 0141 201 1100.

Hospital information / appointments are not always shared on to our computer system and we only get results for tests that we have directly requested in the practice.

The Waiting Well Hub

Whilst waiting for your hospital appointment, you may find the resources at the Waiting Well Hub of use.